Welcome to day 19 of Tag Sale Tastes’ Pumpkinpalooza 2020!

Today we’ll take a look at superfood-packed Kodiak Cakes Pumpkin Flax Flapjack & Waffle Mix:

This is no-nonsense stuff — no pumpkins, leaves, acorns — harkening back to the days when “lumberjacks and pioneers relied on food packed with proteins and essential nutrients from whole grains to get them through long days on the frontier”:

The ingredient list is indeed lean and clean, and includes pumpkin powder, cinnamon, nutmeg, ginger, cloves, and allspice — impressively pumpkin spice-y:

Part of every purchase is donated to foundations protecting grizzly bears and other wildlife habitats:

I ignored the instructions for making flapjacks and waffles:

And skipped over to the directions for making Superfood Pumpkin Muffins:

The batter mixed up easily:

And filled 12 muffin cups:

They baked up nicely and my kitchen smelled like autumn while they were baking:

Check ’em out:

I liked these little muffins.  They’re sweet and spicy, easy to make, and the chocolate chips are a nice bonus.  These muffins make a nice fall breakfast treat.  I won’t go so far as to say they’ll get you through a long day on the frontier, but for a quiet minute or two, you can have your own little pumpkin spice party.

Rating:  4-1/2 pumpkins (out of 5)