At the grocery store the other day I noticed that bunny-shaped foods seemed to be multiplying like rabbits.  With my kids out of the house, I don’t have a huge demand for bunny-shaped anything, but when I saw the Reese’s Puffs bunnies, I could resist no longer, and bought a box.  What the heck, I thought, and threw in a bag of bunny-shaped marshmallows and a box of cheddar bunnies.  ‘Cause, you know, bunnies.  These are the foundation of my Bunny Snack Mix, a riff on the snack mix I used to make by the bucketload for my kids’ parties.  I made some for my son, who scarfed it down and told me it was “familiar.”  I found lots of other Easter snack mixes on the interwebs, but too many of them were drizzled with those awful colored candy melts.  Don’t do that — it’s not fair to the bunnies.

Bunny Snack Mix is easy to make.  You’ll need a big bowl.  Make that a huge bowl.  And a spoon.  And maybe a little self-restraint.

Start by adding a 13-ounce box of Reese’s Puffs bunnies:

  Next add 2 cups of Annie’s White Cheddar Bunnies:

Now add 2 cups of Jet-Puffed Bunny Mallows:

Ready to keep going, or do you need a break?  Continuing on with the Easter theme, add an 11.4-ounce bag of pastel M&Ms:

Finish up by adding 1 cup yogurt raisins, and 1 cup salted peanuts.  Mix well.  Ta da!  I packaged some up in mason jars and delivered to 3 of my favorite kids that aren’t my own.

Recipe type: Snack
  • 13-ounce box Reese's Puffs bunnies
  • 2 cups Annie's White Cheddar Bunnies
  • 2 cups Jet-Puffed Mallow Bunnies
  • 11.4-ounce bag pastel M&Ms
  • 1 cup yogurt raisins
  • 1 cup salted peanuts
  1. Add all ingredients to large bowl and mix well. Store in an airtight container.